Jupiter Beach Resort Overview

Coming to look at Jupiter homes for sale or a vacation?  Well, if AirBnB is not on your list, check out the Jupiter Beach Resort.

Located on the Atlantic Ocean at the eastern end of Indiantown Road, this gem is THE place to stay in the area.  Check out this video I found.

The location just south of the Jupiter Inlet is perfect!  You can walk to our restaurants along the Inlet waterfront across from the lighthouse.  And since Indiantown Road is the main E-W corridor through town, you have quick access to any home you might want to see.

You can see all Jupiter homes for sale using this link or for personal service contact me directly at 561-762-4073.  Unlike many agents I grew up in South Florida and have lived in Jupiter for the last 25 days so I can show you the best (and sometimes overlooked) locations and great deals.